Monday 2 October 2017

The Sports Quiz

The Sports Quiz

1. The picture below shows the most complete skull of an Homo heidelbergensis ever found. It was found in 1992 in Sierra de Atapuerca. This skull is unviersally known by a nickname that was given to it thanks to whose achievements?

2. Johnny Weissmuller was an Austro-Hungarian-born American competition swimmer and actor, best known for playing X in films of the 1930s and 1940s and for having one of the best competitive swimming records of the 20th century. Weissmuller was one of the world's fastest swimmers in the 1920s, winning five Olympic gold medals for swimming and one bronze medal for water polo. He was the first to break the one minute barrier for 100-meter freestyle, and the first to swim 440-yard freestyle under five minutes. He won fifty-two U.S. national championships, set more than 50 world records.

After retiring from competitions, he became the sixth actor to portray X, a role he played in 12 motion pictures. Dozens of other actors have also played X, but Weissmuller is by far the best known.


3.  At various times in Britain's history, monarchs have banned the likes of football, bowls and even golf, because men were playing these sports rather than practicing X in their spare time. In fact, during the reign of Henry VIII, every man in the country had to "Practice at the Butts" after church on Sundays to hone their X skills.

X is one of the oldest sports and it is also the national sport of Bhutan.


4. CNN reports on which friendship?

"You'd think they would be sick of the sight of each other. But from the ashes of their encounter match in 2010 an enduring 'bromance' has blossomed".

One says: "He actually is a good friend of mine. We keep in touch all the time. So we developed a friendship from that match."

Who are the two athletes mentioned here?

5. In the 1936 Olympics held in Berlin, Germany, two Japanese athletes were tied for the second place in pole vault. When the Japanese athletes refused to compete against each other, they were given the silver and bronze medals respectively. On their return to Japan, they did something to establish their friendship. What did they do?

6. On 18 July 1976, 14-year-old Romanian gymnast Nadia Comăneci performed in the uneven bars event and because the scoreboard only allowed three digits, it had to display her score as 1.00. This led to total confusion, with even Comăneci unsure of what it meant. An iconic press photograph shows a beaming Comăneci, arms upraised, beside the scoreboard.

What did Comăneci actually do?

7. Eukonkanto first originated in Finland. Tales have been passed down from one person to another about a man named Herkko Rosvo-Ronkainen. This man was considered a robber in the late 1800s, lived in a forest, and ran around with his gang of thieves causing harm to the villages. From what has been found, there are some ideas as to why/how this sport was invented. One of which is, Rosvo-Ronkainen and his thieves were accused of stealing food and women from villages in the area he lived in, then carrying these women on their backs as they ran away.

X is now practiced in Australia, the United States of AmericaHong KongEstonia, the UK and other parts of the world besides Finland and has a category in the Guinness Book of Records.

ID X or how is Eukonkanto better known as?

8. An early use of X is in the novel A bad lot by Brian Glanville(1977). According to Alex Leith's book Over the Moon, Brian - The Language of Football, the first part of X refers to the testicles of the player through whose legs the ball has been passed and X is just a development from this.

There is also a street football game originated in the Netherlands which is called panna. This game depends on usage of this technique.


9. Michael Phelps retired from competitive swimming last year with a record 23 Olympic gold medals. His latest swim — if you can call it that — was also record-breaking.
Discovery Channel’s “Phelps vs. X: Great Gold vs. X,” in which the swimmer lost a race to a computer-generated X, and angered the internet along the way, averaged more than 5 million total viewers in a night.
ID X and what made the viewers angry?

10. In July 2013, 80645 flowers-- yellow marigolds and black, pink and grey petunias were used to make what announcement in a spectacular fashion?


1. Miguel Indurain (winner of the Tour de France and Giro d' Italia in 1992). The skull was nicknamed Miguelon.

2. Tarzan

3. Archery

4. John Isner and Nicholas Mahut (regarding the longest match played in the history of tennis).

5. After returning to Japan, with the help of a jeweler, they cut the silver and bronze medals in half and merged them together as a symbol of their friendship. The "Friendship Medals" were half in bronze and half in silver.

6. Comăneci achieved a perfect 10.

7. Wife-carrying

8. Nutmeg⚽

9. X is the great white shark.

The Discovery Channel’s title for the show – "Phelps vs Shark: Great Gold vs Great White" – left some viewers disappointed that a real shark was not featured in the race.

10. Borussia Dortmund's unveiling of their home jersey for the 2013-2014 season.

Saturday 4 March 2017

The Dog Quiz

The Dog Quiz

1. This dog's name means "dwarf dog" in Welsh.
ID the dog.

What was this Great Pyrenees claim to fame in 2014?

3. X is memorialized in the form of a statue and plaque at Star City, Russia, the Russian Cosmonaut training facility. Created in 1997, X is positioned behind the cosmonauts with her ears erect. The Monument to the Conquerors of Space, constructed in 1964, also includes X. On April 11, 2008 at the military research facility where staff had been responsible for readying X for the flight, officials unveiled a monument of her poised on top of a space rocket.

4. This band included a whistle that is only audible to dogs, in the song "A Day in the Life",
ID the band.

5.  Released in 2005, X, written by John Grogan, was an international bestseller, having sold over five million copies in over thirty languages. It spent 76 weeks on the bestseller list, and 23 of those weeks it stood at the #1 spot. His first book earned him Quill Awards in the Audiobook and Memoir/Biography categories in 2006. It was later adapted into a film that was released on December 25, 2008, starring Owen Wilson(playing Gogan in the film) and Jennifer Aniston.
ID the book(X).

6.  An unnamed Newfoundland is credited for saving X in 1815. During his famous escape from exile on the island of Elba, rough seas knocked X overboard. A fisherman's dog jumped into the sea, and kept X afloat until he could reach safety.

ID the famous political leader that the Newfoundland dog saved.

7. When Henry VIII wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon he sent Cardinal Wolsey to plead his case before the X. The X extended his toe for the cardinal to kiss. Instead of the kiss he expected to receive, the cardinal's dog, Urian, bit his toe. The divorce was denied, and Henry founded the Church of England so he could grant his own divorce. 

8. X lived to fight another day, thanks to his dog, Peritas. During an attack by Persia's Darius III, the warrior was charged by an elephant and faced almost certain death. The elephant was diverted when Peritas leaped into the air and bit its face. lived to fight another day, thanks to his dog, Peritas. During an attack by Persia's Darius III, the warrior was charged by an elephant and faced almost certain death. The elephant was diverted when Peritas leaped into the air and bit its face. Alexander went on to forge the empire that became the base of Western civilization. X went on to forge the empire that became the base of Western civilization.

9. Here is a dialog one of the comments writers in Youtube guess what the Y thinking to reply to the man the owner of the Y:

Owner : Mishka , I love you .

Mishka : I know, I know.

Owner : Mishka , I love you .

Mishka : I know.

*3 hours later*

Owner : Mishka , I love you .


Who is Mishka, and what is her claim to fame?

10. X is an Internet meme that became popular in 2013. The meme typically consists of a picture of a Shiba Inu accompanied by multicolored text in Comic Sans font in the foreground. The text, representing a kind of internal monologue, is deliberately written in a form of broken English.



1. Corgi🐶

2. This Great Pyrenees was elected as the mayor of Cormorant, Minnesota.
"Everybody voted for Duke — except for one vote for his girlfriend, Lassie", according to Duke's owner, David Rick. The nine-year-old great Pyrenees was first elected in 2014 with 12 write-in votes at the town's annual Cormorant Daze festival.



3. Laika was a Soviet Space dog who became one of the first animals in space, and the first animal to orbit the Earth. Laika, a stray dog from the streets of Moscow, was selected to be the occupant of the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2 that was launched into outer space on November 3, 1957. 



4. The Beatles


5. Marley and Me



6. Napoleon Bonaparte


7. Pope Clement VII


8. Alexander the Great

9. Mishka is a grey, black and white Siberian Husky, born on June 2002. Mishka is the main protagonist of a video series. She became famous for her videos in which she can speak like humans.

10. Doge


Sunday 26 February 2017

The Food Quiz



What is being depicted here ?

2. Perhaps they are names for their resemblance to a fungus, this is a type of chocolate confectionery that is traditionally made with a chocolate ganache center coated in chocolate or cocoa powder, usually in a spherical, conical, or curved shape. Other fillings may replace the ganache. What?

3. Called Schwarzwälderkirschtorte in German, . The origin of X is unknown, but historians believes it originated in the late 16th century in the X Region (Der Schwarzwald in German) located in the state of Baden-Württemberg. The name, Schwarzwald, evokes darkness and mystery coming from the romantic woods in Germany. It contains whipped cream, extract from sour Morello cherries and chocolate. The confectioner Josef Keller claims to have invented X in its present form in 1915 in the then prominent Café Agner in Bad Godesberg. This claim, however, has never been substantiated.


4. In the late 1700's, this fruit was considered poisonous due to the fact that many aristocrats would get sick and die after eating it. In fact, the fruits weren't poisonous, but they were eaten from pewter plates which contained lead, and the acidic juices from the fruit would cause the lead to be leached out from the plates and be consumed, hence causing lead poisoning. Which popular fruit am I talking about ?

5. In 1981, X, a brand of non-shelf-stable _______ was introduced by Golden Valley Foods, with the uncooked product requiring refrigeration before use since the fats used in it would turn rancid if it wasn’t kept chilled. However, in 1984, Y, Golden Valley introduced a shelf-stable version that could be cooked straight out of the packet, and since this product was a sequel of sorts to X, it was named accordingly.

6. Francis George "Franc" Roddam is an English film director, businessman, screenwriter, television producer and publisher.Roddam's films include Quadrophenia, K2, Aria, Lords of Discipline and War Party.He won awards for his BBC documentaries, Mini and The Family. He is best known for his contribution to the world of food for creating 'X' in July 1990. X is famous in over 150 countries. 

 ID X.

7. Partial Menu :
                          ● Muffin and espresso: $4.50 
                          ● Double latte: $2.75 
                          ● Coffee and a scone: $4.25 
                          ● Herbal tea: $1.25 

 ID this place which had famous visitors like Robin Williams and Billy Crystal, who came to have a personal conversation on the orange couch.

8. The name of this thing means "big pearl" in Latin. A basket full of this was considered a respectable funeral offering in ancient Egypt. The circular rings that this thing has, represents eternity, and maybe for that reason it was used in Egyptian burials, as evidenced by traces being found in the ye sockets of Ramesses IV. What am I talking about ?

9. The origin of this term, according to the 1896 supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary, is that the term was coined in Britain in 1895 to describe a Sunday meal for "Saturday-night carousers". Normally, the term denotes late morning breakfast. But, as a trend nowadays, it indicates the late morning outing to a restaurant for lunch. Which term ?


This is a French electronic band formed in 2002. The name of this band is taken from the name of a popular South Indian dish. Either name the band or the dish.


1. The 5 seconds rule - Almost everyone has dropped some food on the floor and still wanted to eat it. If someone saw you drop it, he or she might have yelled, "5-second rule!" This so-called rule says food is OK to eat if you pick it up in 5 seconds or less. Believe it or not, scientists have tested the rule.

2. A chocolate truffle🍫

3. Black Forest Cake🎂

4. Tomato (remember tomato is fruit😉) 🍅

5. Act II Popcorn🍿

6. MasterChef🍳

7. Central Perk (F.R.I.E.N.D.S) 🍵

8. Onion

9. Brunch

10. Masala Dosa

Other Quizzes :

                           The World Quiz
                              The Etymology Quiz
                                 The Tech Quiz

Saturday 25 February 2017

The Tech Quiz


1. Why is the theme of "Facebook" blue ?

2. Expand "YAHOO"

3.“640K ought to be enough for anybody” Who said this?

4. When the Internet was still very much under the spell of bare Unix shells and Gopher, an ambitious group of scientists at CERN started working on the World Wide Web.In an office on the fourth floor they placed the World Wide Webs central database. Some faulty requests were answered with a standard message: “___________”


Observe the picture and name it 👆

6. System Architecture:

  • Manufacturer: SGI
  • 161 racks (11,472 nodes)
  • 7.25 Pflop/s peak cluster
  • 5.95 Pflop/s LINPACK rating
  • 175 Tflop/s HPCG rating
  • Total CPU cores: 246,048
  • Total memory: 938 TB
  • 2 racks (64 nodes total) enhanced with NVIDIA graphics processing units (GPUs)
  • 184,320 CUDA cores
  • 0.275 Pflop/s total
  • 1 rack (32 nodes total) enhanced with Intel Xeon Phi co-processors (MICs)
  • 3,840 MIC cores
  • 0.064 Pflop/s total

These are the specifications of which petascale supercomputer and where is it housed ?

7. Co-founders of this multinational technology company, Larry Page and Sergey Brin originally named X 'Backrub'. The name 'X' is actually derived from a mathematical term, which is basically 1 with a 100 zeros following it.

8. Ericsson, A Denmark based company started working on a device which establishes radio links between portable devices. Jim Kardman named the technology X after the 10th century Viking king Harold Blatand who liked eating Blueberries.What is the name of the technology?


This is the logo of which famous company ?


How did this place get its name ?


1. The reason for Facebook's theme to be blue is that  Mark Zuckerberg, the young founder of Facebook is red-green color-blind and blue is the richest colour for him.👀

2. The name Yahoo! is an acronym for Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle, but the founders insist they selected the name because they liked the general definition of yahoo: rude, unsophisticated, uncouth. It is the name of American multinational company Yahoo Inc.

3. Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft. In 1981 when IBM introduced a PC with 640 KB of memory.


5. Blue Screen of Death - A stop error, better known as a Blue Screen of Death (also known as a blue screen or BSoD) is an error screen displayed on a Windows computer system after a fatal system error, also known as a system crash: when the operating system reaches a condition where it can no longer operate safely.

6. Pleiades - NASA

7. Google

8. “Bluetooth” because of the teeth coloration after eating blueberries.

9. Xerox

10. Snapdeal has adopted a remote village in Uttar Pradesh and enabled clean drinking water facilities for its people by installing manual pumps. To show their gratitude, the village’s residents have decided to rename their village to Nagar, actually taking the company by surprise.

Other Quizzes :

                                       The World Quiz
                                          The Etymology Quiz
                                             The Food Quiz